a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w
How many of us can remember exactly what a past participle is? Or how about the differences between restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses?
I know it can be difficult to remember some of these concepts and terms if you haven’t taken a formal writing class in a while, so, to help us all remember, I have compiled some of the most frequently used grammar words and phrases here in The Writer’s Dictionary.
But, this isn’t just an ordinary dictionary of grammatical terms and literary concepts. The Writer’s Dictionary is written in plain everyday language so that everyone from the beginner to the experienced writer can understand it. We also incorporate examples in as many places as possible so the reader can visualize the concepts being discussed.
The Writer’s Dictionary is meant to be not only a refresher tool to help us remember some of the terms we may have forgotten but also a learning tool where we can deepen our understanding of language and become betters writers.
If there are any terms that you would like to see added to The Writer’s Dictionary, feel free to email me with a suggestion at Jordan@writingexplained.org!