Spelling of Answer: Answer is spelled a-n-s-w-e-r.
Definition of Answer: An answer is a response to a question—either written or spoken. An answer is also something that is done in response or reaction, and, a solution to a problem.
To answer is to write or speak as a return in response to a question, to act in response, and, to be liable or accountable (for something).
Pronunciation of Answer: Answer is pronounced ann-sur.
How to Use Answer in a Sentence
What does answer mean? The word answer functions as a noun and a verb.
An answer is a reply to a question, a solution to a problem, and,something that someone does in response or reaction to someone or something else.
For example,
- The young boy’s parents did not believe his answer to their question about where he had been all night. (sense 1)
- Only one of her answers on the test was wrong. (sense 2)
- His only answer was to leave the house and think about the situation. (sense 3)
As a verb, answer can be used transitively and intransitively. The verb answer refers to responding to someone’s question, speaking or writing in response to something, and solving or offering a solution to a problem.
For example,
- I did answer all their questions, but they didn’t seem satisfied with my responses.
- All the able-bodied and healthy men – young and old – answered the call to war.
- After he correctly answered the riddle, he acted rather haughty.
Additionally, to answer is to make amends for or take responsibility or accountability for.
For example,
- After years of hiding, the middle-aged man was tired and finally decided to answer for his crimes.
- The lender would never let him get away or refuse to answer for his debt.
Phrases & Idioms That Use Answer
Answer to: to report to a boss or superior.
- Who do you answer to here?
(Won’t/don’t) take no for an answer: refuse to accept a negative response to a question or request.
Answer the call of nature: to go to the bathroom.
Answer the door: open the door; greet someone at the door.
Answer to someone’s prayers: the solution to one’s prayers or problem(s); wanted for a long time.
History & Etymology of Answer
The word answer first appeared in English sometime before the 12th century, according to Merriam-Webster’s.
Answer comes from Middle English via Old English andswaru, which is akin to Old Norse andsvar, meaning answer, and to Old English and-, against and swerian, meaning to swear.
Synonyms for Answer
Where it means something written or spoken in reaction to a question or request, the following words may be substituted for answer, if the context allows.
- Reply
- Response
- Retort
- Return
- Rejoinder
- Comeback
When answer is used to refer to the accomplishment or resolution of a problem, the following words can be substituted.
- Solution
- Result
As it refers to an action or behavior done in return to another, the following words can replace answer.
- Reaction
- Reply
- Response
- Take
Outside Examples of Answer
- The question and answer session, that followed the university speech that lasted almost two hours, ended with students singing the French anthem and loudly applauding Macron. – Houston Chronicle
- There are still too many questions, and other states and countries — where pot already has been legalized — will soon enough have a better handle on the answers. – The Chicago Sun-Times
The word answer can function as a noun and verb. As a verb, it can be used transitively and intransitively.
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