Pride and Prejudice Main Characters – Introduction
The novel’s main character, Elizabeth Bennet, serves as the protagonist as she searches for a life of meaning, even if that leads to her never marrying. This decision to hold out for true love or never get married at all comes much to the chagrin of her mother, Mrs. Bennet, who wants to see that each of her daughters is married to a wealthy gentleman. Mrs. Bennet tries to force Elizabeth to marry a man she does not love (Mr. Collins) while Lady de Burgh, the novel’s other antagonist, tries to prevent her from marrying the man she does love (Mr. Darcy). The story is told from anonymous third person omniscient perspective.
Pride and Prejudice Character List
Who is the Main Character in Pride and Prejudice?
- Pride and Prejudice Protagonist – Elizabeth Bennet
- Pride and Prejudice Antagonist – Mrs. Bennet and Lady de Burgh
- Pride and Prejudice Narrator – Third person omniscient (anonymous)
Elizabeth Bennet Description
Elizabeth Bennet Character Traits – Elizabeth is the novel’s protagonist. As the sharpest of the five Bennet sisters, she is quick-witted and found disagreeable to some of the novel’s other characters because of her sharp tongue. She tends to be prejudiced towards other characters, as shown by her initial reaction to Mr. Darcy, with whom she eventually falls in love. Elizabeth shows how overcoming one’s negative personality traits can lead to a life of fulfillment and happiness.
Fitzwilliam Darcy Description
Fitzwilliam Darcy Character Traits – Mr. Darcy is a wealthy gentleman who initially behaves as though he is too good for almost anyone else. He has a strong since of pride because of his wealth and social status. He is curious, intelligent, and honest. Like Elizabeth, his negative traits lead him to be negatively perceived by many of the other characters. Over the course of the novel, he grows out of his pride and class-consciousness as he is won over by Elizabeth.
Jane Bennet Description
Jane Bennet Character Traits– Jane is the eldest of the five Bennet sisters and is described as the most beautiful. She is reserved and pleasant and falls in love with the charming Charles Bingley.
Charles Bingley Description
Charles Bingley Characters Traits – Darcy’s wealthy friend. The two spend a lot of time together at each other’s estates. Bingley is a military man who is quite agreeable. He is drawn to Jane and the two fall in love before he departs on military duty.
Mr. Bennet Description
Mr. Bennet Character Traits – Father to the five Bennet sisters and husband to Mrs. Bennet. Mr. Bennet is sarcastic and quick-witted but stays out of the marriage-related issues of the household while his wife stirs the pot.
Mrs. Bennet Description
Mrs. Bennet Character Traits – Mother to the five Bennet sisters and wife to Mr. Bennet. Her life’s only goal is to see that her daughters are all married off to wealthier men.
George Wickham Description
George Wickham Character Traits – Handsome military man whose charms attract Jane initially. However, he is revealed to be cunning and deceitful which helps Elizabeth realize that Darcy is not as bad as he seems.
Lydia Bennet Description
Lydia Bennet Character Traits – The youngest of the five Bennet sisters. She is foolish and overly romantic and runs off with George Wickham carelessly.
Mr. Collins Description
Mr. Collins Character Traits – Proposes marriage to Elizabeth, but she finds him dry and dull and rejects him.
Miss Bingley Description
Miss Bingley Character Traits – Mr. Bingley’s sister. She has great disdain for the middle-class status of the Bennets.
Lady Catherine Description
Lady Catherine De Bourgh Character Traits – The rich aunt to Mr. Darcy. She despises Darcy’s involvement with Elizabeth and tries to ruin the relationship to prevent what she sees as a poor match that will decrease her nephew’s social status.
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