Smoke and a Pancake Meaning
Definition: Smoking marijuana and then eating pancakes.
Origin of Smoke and a Pancake
This expression comes from the 2002 movie Austin Powers: Goldmember.
In the movie, Goldmember asks Austin Powers if he would like to have a “smoke and a pancake.” Confused by the question, Powers asks for clarification. Goldmember then lists off a number of similar pairings, including,
- Flapjack and a cigarette
- Cigar and a waffle.
- Pipe and a crepe.
- Bong and a blintz.
The phrase plays on the stereotype that Dutch people smoke and then snack on something sweet. There is no deeper meaning to the phrase.
A similar term is simply “the munchies.”
Examples of Smoke and a Pancake
In the example below, a husband is telling his wife about his current plans.
Kip: Ugh! I’m so glad to be home from work!
Caroline: Busy day?
Kip: Busy and terrible. I’m looking forward to forgetting all about it.
Caroline: Do you want some dinner?
Kip: I’m going to have a smoke and a pancake. Care to join me?
Caroline: No thanks. You know I don’t smoke. And I don’t want pancakes for dinner.
Kip: I’m just kidding. I’m quoting Austin Powers.
Caroline: I’ve never seen it.
The next example involves two friends who are studying for an exam.
Brian: I’m pretty stressed about this exam.
Raj: I know what will help! Let’s have a smoke and a pancake!
Brian: What do you mean?
Raj: I mean we should smoke a bit. It will help you relax. And then you’ll probably be hungry, so we can eat some pancakes.
Brian: Oh, I see. That’s okay. I think I’m just going to go to bed. I’m exhausted.
Raj: Well, what about a joint and a flapjack?
Brian: That’s the same thing but with synonyms. I remember it from that Austin Powers movie.
Raj: Oh, I didn’t think you would have seen that before.
Brian: I barely remember it, but I did see it.
More Examples
This excerpt is about a drink named after the movie quote.
- People lined up for different samples, including house brewed favorites from the Whetstone Station in Brattleboro, such as a drink called the Smoke and a Pancake, inspired by a Austin Powers movie, as well as the restaurant’s flagship beer, the Whetstoner. –Brattleboro Reformer
This is an excerpt from a film review. It also references the movie quote.
- Back on the island, his path crosses with that of former co-star/lover Patricia Deville (The Babadook’s brilliant Essie Davis), now a TV journalist and partner of Thorncroft’s one-time stuntman Clive Parnevik (Farnaby sporting short shorts, bare chest and an Austin Powers-style “smoke-and-a-pancake” Dutch accent.) –The Guardian
The phrase a smoke and a pancake is a line from a movie that is joking about smoking an illegal substance and then snacking on something sweet afterwards.
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