Cop an Attitude Meaning
Definition: To have a bad attitude; to behave in a rude or contemptuous manner.
Origin of Cop an Attitude
This expression is only tangentially related to police. Cop was originally a slang term that meant to catch. This is the reason why police are sometimes called cops: they catch criminals. It is also the reason behind the verb in this idiom. To cop an attitude is synonymous with to catch an attitude.
It is possible for one to have a good attitude or a bad attitude. However, when attitude appears without an identifying adjective, such as good or bad, it usually carries the connotation of a bad attitude.
Many source point to the 1970s for the origin of this phrase.
Examples of Cop an Attitude
In the example below, two friends are arguing a shirt that one of them borrowed from the other.
Ted: Hey, do you remember that you borrowed my favorite red shirt a few weeks ago?
Rufio: Yeah. Why?
Ted: I wanted to wear it to work tomorrow. Would you mind giving it back tonight, so I can wash it and wear it?
Rufio: I don’t know why you want it back. It looks way better on me than it looks on you.
Ted: Hey! There’s no need to cop an attitude with me. I didn’t have to lend you the shirt, but I chose to do it to be nice. If you’re going to be rude I’ll just stop lending you my things.
Rufio: Fine! I don’t care. Do whatever you want.
This dialogue shows two friends talking together about the new house one of them just bought.
Zayna: What do you think of my new place?
Ben: I think it’s small and ugly, just like your eyes.
Zayna: Whoa! Why are you copping an attitude with me? What did I do to deserve that?
Ben: Nothing! I’m sorry. I just am in a terrible mood and I’m jealous that you can afford a new house and I can’t.
More Examples
The excerpt is from an advice column. A wife feels neglected by her husband but he has a bad attitude when she tries to discuss her concern with him.
- Roger wouldn’t have anything at all if it weren’t for me. I know I should dump him, but after 28 years, I can’t pull the rug out from under him. He cops an attitude and makes me feel bad if I press the subject. –Chicago Sun Times
This excerpt is from an article about a famous singer and some good advice that she had.
- “As in be humble, be everyday people, be a human being. No need to cop an attitude, we’re all human beings. She set me at ease right away.” –New York Times
The expression to cop an attitude means to act in an impolite way.
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