How do you abbreviate supervisor? There are a few common ways to abbreviate supervisor.
They are,
- Supv.
- Supr.
- Supvr.
For example,
- Building Supv.
- Supr. Located Apt A
- Shift Supvr.
The plural abbreviation of supervisor is formed by simply adding an “s”.
When to Use This Abbreviation
This abbreviation is usually found in office-wide titles for employees, on construction name tags, or in buildings with maintenance onsite.
You might abbreviate the word supervisor to Supv. on a business card or a nameplate. It is also common to see such abbreviations in headlines or newspaper titles where space is a concern.
Outside of professional titles, nametags, or headlines, supervisor is not abbreviated in general prose.
What Does Supervisor Mean?
Definition of Supervisor: Supervisor is defined as a person who supervises a person or an activity.
For example,
- The service tonight has been unacceptable. May I speak with your supervisor?
- The district supervisor is coming in on Thursday, so look professional!
The word supervisor functions as a noun in the sentence.
Outside Examples of Supervisor
Prison supervisor prospers despite investigations –USA Today
- Graham’s mother, Constance Malcolm, has repeatedly pushed Mayor de Blasio to fire Haste and his on-site supervisor, Sgt. Scott Morris. But she said news of the internal trial raised more questions than answers. –New York Daily News
Summary: Supervisor Abbreviation
There are a few common abbreviations of supervisor: supv, supr,. or supvr. If you want to make any of these plural, simply add on an “s.”
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