What is the Abbreviation for Square Feet?

How do you abbreviate square feet? The phrase square feet has a few abbreviations.

The most common abbreviations for square feet are,

  • ft²
  • sq. ft.
  • sqft
  • SF

The most common of these abbreviations is sq. ft.

When to Use This Abbreviation

Square feet is a phrase that is often abbreviated in geometry, algebra as well as areas of business such as architecture and construction. Unlike many other words and phrases, you will see square feet abbreviated more often than not, even academic writing.

What Does Square Feet Mean?

abbreviation of square foot abbreviationDefinition of square feet: The phrase square feet can be used as a noun or an adjective and is defined as a non-metric measurement of a square with one-foot sides.

For example,

  • There are 3,000 square feet in the new house my husband is building.
  • Our geometry teacher asked for us to determine the square feet of three different areas.

Outside Examples of Square Feet

  • sqft abbreviation square footThe project, which is nearing the end of its environmental impact review process, is to include 90,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space, 217,000 square feet of office space, about 700 housing units aimed at millennials and those 55 and older, and a 135-room hotel, all around a large public square. –The New York Times
  • The $100 million hotel will have more than 20,000 square feet of banquet and meeting space as well as a rooftop pool, a sky bar lounge, a terrace with outdoor dining and a spa, according to Triangle Equities. –The Wall Street Journal


There are few different ways to abbreviate the phrase square feet. The most common of which are,

  • ft²
  • sq. ft.
  • sqft
  • SF

The most common of these is sq. ft.
