How do you abbreviate organization? There is one common way to abbreviate organization.
It is,
- Org.
For example,
- Org. of Economic Co-operation and Development
The plural abbreviation of organization is orgs.
When to Use This Abbreviation
This abbreviation is usually found in reference to hospitals, not-for-profit entities, trade groups, etc.
You might abbreviate the word organization to org. on a business card, business chart, or on an organization’s nameplate. It is also common to see such abbreviations in headlines or newspaper titles where space is a concern.
Outside of newspaper columns or headlines, the word is not abbreviated in general prose.
What Does Organization Mean?
Definition of Organization: Organization is defined as an organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association; the action of organizing something.
For example,
- Charles is charged with the organization of upcoming conferences.
- Jarcus is an organization solely dedicated to the research for an Alzheimer’s cure.
The word organization functions as a noun in the sentence.
Outside Examples of Organization
- The World Health Organization declaration signals the seriousness of the Zika outbreak and gives powerful new tools to fight it. –The New York Times
- Nevada test site: Can Clinton’s top-down organization overcome Trump’s bottom-up enthusiasm? –Los Angeles Times
Summary: Organization Abbreviation
There is one common abbreviation of organization: org. If you want to make it plural, simply add on an “s.”