How do you abbreviate government? There is one common way to abbreviate government.
It is,
- govt.
For example,
- United States govt.
The plural abbreviation of government is govts.
When to Use This Abbreviation
This abbreviation is usually found in reference to any structured ruling body of a given nation when taking shorthand notes and in many other instances, as it is a nearly universally recognized abbreviation.
You might abbreviate the word government to govt. on a business card or a nameplate. It is also common to see such abbreviations in headlines or newspaper titles where space is a concern.
Outside of professional titles or headlines, the word is not abbreviated in general prose.
What Does Government Mean?
Definition of Government: Government is defined as the governing body of a nation, state, or community.
For example,
- The government of the United States has declared new sanctions on North Korea.
- The FBI, an agency of the U.S. government, has landed and will set up their command station in 30 minutes.
The word government functions as a noun in the sentence.
Outside Examples of Government
- Humana Inc., the health insurer planning to merge with Hartford based Aetna Inc., fell the most in more than three months after seeing a sharp decline in government ratings of plans it offers under Medicare. –The Hartford Courant
- Atlantic City’s woes have lots of fingerprints besides those of Trump, Icahn and Local54. A city government wavered between lavishing and withdrawing aid. –The Star Ledger
Summary: Government Abbreviation
There is one common abbreviation of government: govt. If you want to make either of these plural, simply add on an “s.”