How do you abbreviate established? There is one common way to abbreviate established.
It is,
- Est.
For example,
- Est. 1897
When to Use This Abbreviation
This abbreviation is usually found on signage, in business, restaurants, as nameplates on historic houses, or any organization with a long, proud history.
You might abbreviate the word established to est. on a business card or a nameplate. It is also common to see such abbreviations in headlines or newspaper titles where space is a concern.
Outside of professional titles or headlines, the word is not abbreviated in general prose.
What Does Established Mean?
Definition of Established: Established is defined as to set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis.
For example,
- He established that she had indeed been with Rob the night of his untimely death.
- The Brewery was established in 1950.
The word established functions as a verb in the sentence.
Outside Examples of Established
Ensuring that veterans teetering on the brink are not met with a busy signal or a voice message when they call a phone number established solely to keep them from falling seems like a fairly basic responsibility. –The Denver Post
- On Aug. 1, Cox published a story on the sale, but the journalist said he never established with any certainty where Peace’s credentials came from. –New York Post
Summary: Established Abbreviation
There is one common abbreviation of established: est.