How do you abbreviate enterprises? There is one common way to abbreviate enterprises.
It is,
- ENT.
For example,
- Promising ENT.
When to Use This Abbreviation
This abbreviation is usually found in banking, business, and among entrepreneurs. You might abbreviate the word enterprises to ENT. on a business card or a company logo. It is also common to see such abbreviations in headlines or newspaper titles where space is a concern.
Outside of professional titles or headlines, the word is not abbreviated in general prose.
What Does Enterprises Mean?
Definition of Enterprises: Enterprises is defined as projects undertaken, especially those that are important or difficult or that require boldness or energy; more than one company organized for commercial purposes; business firms.
For example,
- Private enterprises are basic to capitalism.
- The development of large cities had induced banks to turn their attention to building enterprises than to mortgages on rural property.
The word enterprises functions as a noun in the sentence.
Outside Examples of Enterprises
Maria Fernanda Di Giacobbe-despite a challenging political climate in Venezuela – has created multiple enterprises devoted to cacao production, education, training, research and related economic opportunities for women. –USA Today
- Obama Tells Insurers New Enterprises Have Growing Pains. –The New York Times
There is one common abbreviation of enterprises: “ENT.”.
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