How do you abbreviate country? The word country has a few common abbreviations.
The most common abbreviations for country are,
- ctry.
- co
- Co.
The abbreviation ctry. is most advisable to use since it won’t be confused with county or company.
When to Use This Abbreviation
Country is not a word that you often find abbreviated; you will probably only see it abbreviated in a situation where limited space is a factor. In any academic or formal piece of writing, the word should be fully written out.
What Does Country Mean?
Definition of country: The word, country is a noun refers a large area of land that
has a society and a government.
For example,
- Many Americans think the United States is the greatest country in the world.
- There are countries in Europe that have stricter gun laws than the United States and they have lower rates of violent crime.
Outside Examples of Country
- “She encouraged him to pursue his dream, which culminated in him being named head cross country coach at Trinity in mid-June, after a stint as assistant track coach last spring.”- Chicago Tribune
- “Admission into the EU would boost Georgia’s economy, and NATO membership would leave the country far more secure.” – Newsweek
There are few different ways to abbreviate the word country. The most common of which are,
- ctry.
- co
- Co.