How do you abbreviate school? There is one common way to abbreviate school.
It is,
- Sch.
For example,
- Sch. of Media Relations
The plural abbreviation of school is schs.
When to Use This Abbreviation
You might use the abbreviate school to sch. in note taking, signage, or in headlines or newspaper titles where space is a concern.
Outside of signage or headlines, the word is not abbreviated in general prose.
What Does School Mean?
Definition of School: School is defined as an institution educating children; any institution at which instruction is given in a particular discipline.
For example,
- Moira’s two children attended school every day of the school year and each won a prize!
- Dad will school us in the college of hard knocks.
The word school functions as a noun in the sentence.
Outside Examples of School
- In Our Schools: Capturing the first day back at school –Orange County Register
- School was canceled, the city library closed and athletic fields turned into lakes – navigable by kayaks–after more than 10 inches of rain fell over a two day period ending early Thursday-most of it overnight Wednesday. –Minneapolis Star Tribune
Summary: School Abbreviation
There is one common abbreviation of school: sch. If you want to make the abbreviation plural, simply add on an “s.”